Why do we loathe doing certain things? Is it because they seem tedious, laborious in the moment and we know that we have to repeat doing them again? We what if there was a way to shortcut through these jobs that feel like a hassle to do? Promise Cleaning, best cleaning company near me. When it comes to cleaning, its all about strategy and making each move count. Here are the 4 cleaning strategies we use to minimize time and labor, yet maximize cleaning results, ease of effort and our willingness to repeat the particular cleaning process or habit.
Sure... you can spend your valuable time scrubbing greasy, sticky overhead vents, the narrow cup-like container on dish racks that holds air drying silverware, dish wracks, sink drains, roasting pans, and any drip pans. Weekly cleaning, biweekly cleaning, monthly cleaning near me. I mean people have been doing that for many years... but most likely they either did before they had a machine to the work for them or they truly didn't even realize their machine could wash these items and not just the "regular" plates, owls cups and dishware. Since the invention of dishwashers, there is hasn't been a need to hand wash dishes and other kitchen items unless they are delicate like champagne flutes, electronic and other reasonably "un-washable" reasons. Local cleaning company near me. However the items that were mentioned earlier are machine washable and, let's face it... the machine will clean it better! So load up your dishwasher, put it on a sanitize cycle and thank yourself later!
Quit similarly to the previous paragraph, why wash an object yourself when the machine does it better?! Items such as washable area rugs and bath mats, and shower curtains shouldn't be left up to us manually cleaning them. Office cleaning, commercial office cleaning, bank cleaning, dentist office cleaning, medical office cleaning, library cleaning, retail store cleaning near me. And we love our planet, so regularly discarding plastic shower curtain liners into landfills and our precious oceans, every time they accumulate too much pink and black mildew, is totally not even an option. But wait... here's a perfect solutions for the plastic curtain liner debacle? Move in lceaning, move out cleaning, deep cleaning, spring cleaning near me. Put it in the wash with a towel with a cup of cleaning vinegar and detergent. When it's finished washing, hang the shower curtain back on the shower to dry. Ta-dah!! The plastic shower curtain is almost as good as new.
Marie Kondo famously described our body's reaction to each object we own as (my personal description) either a "happy, springy excitement or heavy soul- sucking void". Pay attention to how the clutter and objects that we own make us feel. We could easily pass by these items n an everyday basis and ignore them because we are so used to seeing them. Make a goal to focus on just one item and notice how you feel when you hold or look at it. Find a house cleaner; need someone to clean my house near me. If it is not absolutely necessary, i.e. items necessary for tax preparation, financial documents, official documents, medical documents, etc., and it is not enriching your life, donate it, toss it, or return it. Promise Cleaning, family owned, female owned, non-toxic cleaning company near me. When your home is has less clutter, there is more joy in your feelings toward your home and yourself.
Cleaning and order really are one of the most valuable things you can give yourself and the ones around you. Housecleaning in Mableton, Smyrna, Austell, Powder Springs, Marietta. Your time on this Earth is precious, and anything that can do the job better is worthwhile. clean my house, safer cleaning chemical cleaning near me. You don't need to prove to anyone that you are the best at scraping grease off the overhead kitchen hood vents, your shower liner is perfectly squeaky clean (Thanks to your new favorite cleaning hack), and you are DONE holding on to things that just don't matter anymore.
Happy cleaning!