So on our last blog we discussed the importance of decluttering before we ever get started on the actual cleaning. Deep cleaning, maintenance cleaning near me. So important though! But now we are ready to tackle the actual deep cleaning. Promise Cleaning offers deep cleaning, maintenance cleaning, weekly cleaning, biweekly cleaning, and monthly cleaning in Austell, Powder Springs, Smyrna, Marietta, Mableton.
Difference between DEEP and MAINTENANCE Cleaning
As we had mentioned in our Deep Cleaning Series: Part 1, there is a big difference in Deep cleaning and Regular or Maintenance cleaning. Promise Cleaning cleaning checklist used by our cleaners. The best housecleaner near me. If a home has received a proper deep clean, then it only needs maintenance cleaning every week, 2 weeks or 4 weeks (the more frequent the maintenance cleaning, the easier and less time it will take. Win, win!!). Consistently cleaning the home will keep it from accumulating build up and the deep clean the following year wont take as long either. Promise Cleaning will make beds, clean toilets, clean weekly, biweekly cleaning, monthly cleaning.
Always remember this important principle through out any cleaning. This will help you avoid waisting time doing unnecessary steps. Professionaly cleaning company, licensed, bonded, insured near me. Non-toxic cleaning chemicals near me. For example in a deep clean, we will focus on "high dusting" the corners of the ceilings, door frames, crown moulding, etc. and start in floors last. Promise Cleaning, local cleaning company, maids, house cleaners. This is because of gravity, which causes dust and debris to fall onto the floor as we clean, so therefore it would be counter productive clean floors before we have completes everything else.
Cleaning left to right will prevent scattering from one place to the next and, most likely, accidentally forgetting to clean several things. Small company, female owned, local company, licensed, bonded, insured, safer cleaning chemicals near me. By cleaning systematically, we avoid that type of chaos. Clean floor, take out garbage, dust, mop floors near me. Best house cleaners, maids near me. Start by choosing a starting point (we recommend a door way), focusing on cleaning a 3 ft. wide section of the room in front of you- top to bottom. Promise Cleaning, house cleaning in Mableton, Smyrna, Austell, Powder Springs. When you have completed that section move to the right and do another section of the room, continuing all around the perimeter of the room. Got a table, light fixture, or something else in the middle of the room? As you arrive to a halfway point, go take care of what's in the middle of the room, then return to that halfway point and continue.
Since we are doing a deep clean, we are hand-wiping all items to be dusted. This includes all doors, door frames, baseboards, furniture, windows, their lock ledges and sills, etc. Promise Cleaning, best cleaning company near me. The majority of the time will be spent removing buildup in bathrooms and kitchens. Dusting, clean floors, mop, make beds, laundry and light cleaning. Whenever you get to an area that has a cloth or other textures surfaces, as well as highly dusty areas, use a hand whisk to or a vacuum with attachment to clean.
You are almost there!!! Now is the time to get your vacuum with its attachments and get the inner cushions of couch and other misc. items that were a challenge to clean by hand. Weekly cleaning, biweekly cleaning, monthly cleaning, Move in/out cleaning, deep cleaning near me. Vacuum all floors with extra focus on using crevice tool on edges and corners of the rooms. Use extension hose with attachments to reach those challenging areas too small and narrow to reach with head of vacuum, like between and under furniture. Promise Cleaning use their own cleaning tools and products, non-toxic, local near me. Mop the floor and treat yourself because you just finished deep cleaning your home.
Remember this is not the typical cleaning routine; it's what people call "Spring Cleaning" for a reason! Promise Cleaning, best cleaning company near me, local cleaning company, licensed, bonded, insured near me. Every week or two your home requires a light cleaning, focusing on wiping only areas with smudges, spills, and feather dusting the rest. Exception is bathrooms and kitchens, however even they will require at least half the time spent on a deep clean.