"Clean the house"... ah everyone's favorite task; house cleaning near me. (Meant to be sarcastic for everyone but cleaning lovers. Ha!) But really, there are people that absolutely love to clean and we appreciate them. They can teach us a lot! However this article is about how to SAVE TIME and yet be THOROUGH when cleaning, housecleaning near me. Yes, for the rest of us, and I think I speak for many people, we would rather "get it over with" ASAP so that we can enjoy doing more of the things we'd rather spend our time doing! Consistant, reliable house cleaning near me. Yet at the same time we dont really want a house that has clearly been cleaned superficially... you know it kinda looks better but its still dirty. Looking for someone to clean my home. Let's go!!!
"To organize or to clean first... that is the question!"- mental statement we have all had.
So typically most homes have clutter. Clutter makes cleaning difficult because it's simply objects in the way. Now there is a differece between cleaning (removing bacteria, hair, debris from surfaces) from organizing (putting objects back where they belong or creating a system where every object has a home, and therefore needs to return to that home after it has completed its task). House cleaner near me will help you understand a few key concepts in order to clean horoughly, yet effectivly in less time.
remove clutter!
We want to remove the clutter so that we can clean more efficiently. This includes clothes on the bed or floor, dishes in the sink or on the counters, toys out on the floor, receipts and mail spread out on table, books and magazines piled up, electronic and their prospective cords out and about, disposable cups, soda cans, bottles, and other disposable cutlery still throughout home, etc. You get the picture. Deep clean, spring cleaning, move/out cleaning, move--in cleaning, maintenance cleaning, biweekly cleaning, weekly cleaning, monthly cleaning. We dont have time to reorganize the entire house, that can be a large task and therefore why Professional Organizers exist. There are certain tasks that require more time and are "PROJECTS". We will attack those projects at another time. However we can eliminate the clutter and put the items back where they belong after we finish cleaning.
So grab all things disposable and put them in the trash!
Grab a laundry basket, go to each room. If in item belongs in that room put it away. If an item belongs in another room, rather that zig-zagging through the house to put each item back (huge time waster), we will place it in the basket.
"Spring vs General vs Daily cleaning... that is the other question"
Spring cleaning refers to a deep cleaning of the home and is usually done at least once a year, that is why it is often called a "spring" cleaning, house cleaning company. House cleaning in Mableton, housecleaning in Austell. A deep/spring clean involves focusing on the high and low surfaces of the home, such as removing spiderwebs in corners of the ceiling and walls, hand washing baseboards and mouldings, handwashing all doors and door frames, vacuuming blinds and intake vents, as well removing marks and smudges of walls, washing entire fronts of kitchen cabinets and windows, and all the general cleaning tasks as well. House cleaning in Power Springs, housecleaning in Smyrna. Promise Cleaning offers reliable, safe and consistant service!
A deep cleaning requires double to triple the amount of time than a general cleaning does and an initial deep clean (if has been years since the home has been deep cleaned) house cleaner in Marietta will definitly take longer than one that is done every year because there is a lot more "old dirt". We are paying attention to parts of the home that don't get dirty as quickly as other areas; for instance clean baseboards will accumulate some dust and hair within a week or two and can be swiffer-ed vs baseboards that havent been dusted in over a year need to be handwashed. Finally it requires some extra tools that are not required for a general cleaning. Oven cleaning, clean refrigerator and freezer, clean bathroom, clean kitchen, dusting, floors, bathrooms, kitchen. (Stay tuned for an upcoming blog post describing what you will need to complete a deep clean.)
Interestingly, many people think that "cleaning the house" on the regular requires this intense top-to-bottom cleaning, and therefore get discouraged and give up. The good news is it isn't necessary to perform a deep clean each time we "clean". Of couse a deep clean performed quarterly or twice a year will take less time than one performed just once a year. So, decide how often you would like to deep clean your home, and if you just keep it to once a year and you will be amazed how much faster it will be. At Promise Cleaning we offer biweekly, weekly, monthly and occasional house cleaning, as well as top-to-Bottom Deluxe Deep Clean, our most popular cleaning service!
General cleaning (aka maintenance cleaning) is the type of cleaning that we will be focusing on in this article. It requires cleaning the "new dirt"as in removing all the build up that has accumulated in the last couple weeks, such as wiping new fingerprints off kitchen cabinets, doorknobs, handles of drawers, scrubbing tubs, sinks, toilets, wiping down furniture, vacuming and mopping floors. That is why it is "maintenance cleaning", because it maintains the cleanliness of the home. Cleaning checklist, licensed, bonded and insured at Promise Cleaning. We are not washing entire doors, window and mirrors, rather we are wiping away just the smudges that formed recently. We are using a swiffer on baseboards and mouldings, occasionally handwipping them if they need it. Also, we care not doing any high dusting, only cleaning within arms reach. If the home has been properly deep cleaned withi the last year with regular general (aka maintenace) cleaning, than it is pretty clean and only has new dirt. So dont "over clean".
Lastly there is daily cleaning, such as washing dishes, washing a load of laundry, and putting objects back where they belong. Aha!!! We have circled back to decluttering. Laundry and light cleaning offered inbetween maintenance cleaning. Now there are decluttering projects and daily decluttering (as in simply putting your dirty clothes in the hamper or hanging clean clothes up in clset and folded in drawers), putting books back on shelf, remotes back on coffee table, books and magazines on shelf, returning toys to their basket, bin or closet.
General cleaning in each room
3. Clean each room from top to bottom, left to right.
4. Vacuum and mop floors last, since dirt and debris fall to the floor. This way you will not have to clean the floor twice.