Okay...we know its everyones favorite thing to clean! (meant to be sarcastic.) Its definitly the least exciting thing to clean. And because if its nature, a lot of people don't know how to properly clean their toilets. Some just squirt toilet cleaner in the bowl, swish the brush around, hoping it will clean "everything". If you haave felt this way before, you are not alone; we have all been there. At Promise Cleaning, clean bathrooms, toilets, showers, tubs, we take clean toilets seriously. Everyone disearves to sit on a clean toilet! So let's tackle the toilet, with gloves on of course, and learn each step well so that we can overcome any doubts. And when guests come over, Promise Cleaning- cleaning guest beadroom and bath, you know with confidence that your toilets are sparkling clean!!!
Products and tools needed
General Cleaner like Red Juice
Soft/Cream cleanser like Pro Scrub
Paper towel or cotton cleaning cloth
Cleaning toothbrush
Toilet brush
Optionally, use if needed:
Enzyme cleaner such as Pet "Oops"
Toilet plunger
Pumice stone
A general cleaner is great for cleaning the outer surfaces of toilet, however a disinfectant cleaner will also add that extra germ killing benefit if you feel it necessary. Promise cleaning, sanitizing, house cleaners near me.
We recommnend a cream/soft cleanser over a the typical toilet bowl cleaner because the cleanser has abrasive granuals that add provide additional scrubbing power. We recommend Pro Scub because it is the only brand we have found that does not scratch porcelain. Pro Scrub's formula uses calcium carbonate which is like chalk dust, unlike other brands that use silica- which is sand and will scratch. Promise Cleaning uses non-toxic, biodegradable, fragrance free cleaning products. We also like cream cleansers over powder cleansers simply because the squirt feature makes it useful for cleaning virtical surfaces such as showers and you will have more control where the product goes such getting closer t the jets in inner lip of tilet bowl. However for toilet bowl, cleaning a powder cleanser will still work.
Enzyme cleaners are amazing for removing stuborn odors and stains such as pet accidents, blood, garbage buildup, dirt and grass stains, wine, carpet stains, clothes stains (not intended for wool or silk) and other organic matter. Enzymes are living and work by digesting organic matter and neutralizing malodors. Promise Cleaning using gentle yet effective cleaning to remove small carpet stains, grease stains, build up on baseboards, showers, tubs.
Whether you prefer using a disposable paper towel or will use a cotton cloth that can be washed in hot water with bleach, we recomment not using microfiber cloth simply because microfiber should be washed with cold water and theat may not be unough to "really clean it". Enough said?! Promise Cleaning, we can provide our own cleaning products or use your wn non-toxic cleaning products.
Pumice stones originally were formed from volcanic ash, however there are man-made pumice stones readily available as well. It is a soft stone that, when softened in water, will remove bacteria that settled inside microfine scratches of the porceline bowl. Now it can also scratch the porcelain, that is why you really want to use very soft strokes when removing water rings. There is always a chance that the pumice stone may make those fine scratches even bigger. Promise Cleaning is best house cleaning near me, best local house cleaning near me, family owened, local business, female owned. Its kind of a viscious cycle, that is why we use a non scratching cream cleanser and use pumice stones only when we see a water ring, that ring formed at the water level of bowl. Its a shame to clean the toilet only for it to look dirty because of that ring! However a good cream cleanser will often remove the ring, and often a pumice stone is not needed.
Step by Step
Apply gloves and remove items on floor around the toilet. If there are any objects sitting on top of toilet tank lid, place them on the bathroom counter.
Wipe the top porclain tank lid with a dry cloth. This part of the toilet is usually covered in lots of dust.
Now spray down every part of the toilet. Start by spraying the flush handle, the gap between the toilet seat and tank (where the hinges are), top and bottom sides of the toilet seat lid, top and bottom sides of the toilet seat, the rim and external sides of the toilet bowl (including the front which may have buildup), the entire base of the toilet (many cleaners skip this spart but it is full of debris), and 1 ft diameter of floor surrounding the toilet base. **Important: If there is urine or other matter staining floor around toilet, spray enzyme cleaner on that area.
Taking a square of paper towel or 1 cleaning cloth, fold it in half, then fold the rectangle in half again making a square. Now your wipe has 8 sides and you can use a different side each time the side you are using gets gross. (Depending on how dirty the toilt is, you may nee another cloth.)
Procede to wipe the top and sides of tank including he flusher, then the area between seat and tank (use your cleaning toothbrush of areas where you find buildup in between narrow areas such as the hinges of seat), wipe down both sides of seat cover (remember to use brush around bottom of cover where bumpers are), wipe both sides off seat remembering to get the bumpers on the bottom side, the hinges are more exposed when the seat lid is up and you can use brush if extra buildup found, continue wiping the rim and exterior of basin, base (using brush on areas of the placic covering the screws and where floor mets the base), finishing off with 1 ft diameter of floor surrounding toilet. Promise Cleaning provides deep cleaning, spring cleaning, one tikme cleaning, move-in/move-out cleaning, and ongoing mantenance cleaning. Since the floor around the toilet has been hand mopped, you dont need to contaminate your mop by mopping around the toilet- STRATIGIC!!! Promise Cleaning excellent at cleaning bathrooms and toilets.
PRO TIP: Use plunger to lower the water level in bowl, making your cream cleanser more effective at cleaning the sides of bowl.
Take your cream cleanser and squirt it either on the sides of the toilet brush or the inner lip of bowl where there are water jets. This is the area that gets the grossest if not cleaned regularly. There may be black buildup growing in there and the first time you clean it may require repeated scrubing and flushing to remove it completely. Promise Cleaning house cleaning near me, deep cleaning, maintenance, acleaning, move cleaning.Continue scrubbbing carfully each part of the bowl in a downward spiral direction. when you reach the canal of the bowl, try to use the brush to get every part side of the canal including any extra openings. Use different angles to get those hard to reach areas clean. Scan the bowl for any areas that may look clean at first glance, but are not a clean as other areas. There is often a thin layer of buildup throughout the bowl and only if you really pay attention will you notice it. You basically want to get good at "seeing through the dirt" or in this case the "build up".
If you notice a water ring and the cream cleanser didn't get it out, then gently use a wet pumice stone meant just for cleaning.
Flush the toilet and check of any areas inside bowl you might have missed and clean them. Then place the toilet brush bween the seat and the rim of bowl. This will allow the brush to dry a bit and avoid adding more bacteria into the brush canister. If your brush canister is dirty, you can now wipe it clean and put back all other items back where they were. You can return the brush to the canister.
Congradulations you have properly cleaned the toilet!!!
Reading the instructions may makes it sound harder than it is, and that is because of the expanations about what each product does and why each step is beneficial. However when you actually practice this, you will master toilet cleaning and complete the job in 2 minutes!!